Connect with the most progressive and groundbreaking team model in the real estate industry!

PREMIERE Group of eXp Realty is a game-changing, powerhouse real estate firm founded by David Keener. For 25 years, Keener has been a successful investor, entrepreneur, and founder of technology companies that have sold for a combined value of $240 million. His most recent venture into the real estate industry started less than four years ago.   Today, his company has become one of the fastest-growing firms in the nation and holds eXp Realty’s prestigious Mega Icon label globally.

As President and CEO, Keener has tripled the firm’s size in less than six months since partnering  PREMIERE Realty with eXp Realty.  Now, doing business as the PREMIERE Group of eXp Realty, the team is established in the Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee, and even Mexico. Keener plans to expand throughout North America in 2022. PREMIERE’s goal is to continue to grow its members and sales volume to $1 billion by the end of 2024.

Keener made the decision to partner his firm with eXp Realty after he found the traditional brokerage house structures antiquated, restrictive and compensation opportunities too limiting for agents.  By affiliating with eXp, his agents receive all of the benefits provided by eXp — including technology and tools, continuous training, stock opportunities, and revenue sharing. And, because PREMIERE holds the designation of Mega Icon status, agents also receive an extremely discounted cap rate.

“In addition to the benefits provided by eXp, we apply additional and unique services and opportunities to all of our members,” Keener said. “Every agent is equipped with  dedicated transaction coordinators, admin and marketing support, continuous in-house training, a mentoring program for newer agents and unmatched financial rewards to increase their business and income.” 

According to Keener, agents flock to PREMIERE because of reduced commission caps, minimal splits, and quarterly profit sharing. Additionally, PREMIERE provides a unique benefit they refer to as ‘Business Boosts’,  in which agents receive cash toward their individual marketing and lead generation efforts — building a healthy pipeline of new clients. The incentives don’t stop there. PREMIERE also distributes 50 percent of its profits back to agents and support staff on a quarterly basis. The profit-sharing program at PREMIERE allows its members to share in the wealth and prosperity of the team.

Surprisingly, more than half of the agents joining PREMIERE are veteran agents that have worked in the industry for years. “Experienced and successful agents are not only looking for ways to increase their income,” Keener said.  “They are also looking for opportunities to establish a better work-life balance.  The amount of time that goes into closing a real estate transaction for their clients can be pretty intense. We provide services that not only improve their business and income, we are helping agents recover some of their time back to be with family or leverage it to close more business.”

One challenge PREMIERE wanted to tackle before they launched their expansion initiative was ensuring that all members felt a sense of ‘community’ and support not only from a central level but at the local level of every geography they covered.  Their ‘boots on the ground’ team leaders are in every central metropolitan area they cover to ensure community cohesiveness, commitment, and culture for agents — ensuring no one feels like they’re on an island. 

“The leadership group we have built and continue to build upon is incredible.  The team leaders we have been adding are experienced and proven businesspersons, not only in real estate, but across other industries as well,”  Keener said., “Our shared priority is making sure that every member of PREMIERE is equipped with all the support, opportunity and guidance they need to maximize their chances of hitting their goals.” 

There are no minimum volume or transaction requirements to join this elite group of professionals.  Instead, PREMIERE builds business plans to meet the unique goals of each member.

Stay tuned for PREMIERE’s rollout of its commercial and luxury services programs in early 2022.


PREMIERE Group of eXp Realty Launches North American Expansion Initiative